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A Roadmap to Help You Navigate the Landscape of DEI

Expert Guidance Can Help You Overcome Hurdles and Drive Lasting Change

Are you finding it challenging to sustain your efforts in supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in your sector? Are you grappling with the constantly changing landscape of acceptable terminology and political sensitivities?

You may struggle to identify what terms are best, or even okay to use, or what terms are now defined as "partisan."

Perhaps you represent or support public institutions and hear things like, 

“We can't take the money because of the terms on your website.”

Maybe you are grappling with whether or how to change your language to support institutions and states that continue to do the work of DEI but must navigate changing laws and regulations.


You might have concerns that you won't be able to serve some organizations because of the current political climate.

TSG understands the hurdles you face.

With support and guidance from a qualified expert, you could launch a DEI initiative that creates lasting results. You could go beyond surface-level compliance to implement robust programs, activities, and training that align with your organization’s mission, vision, and values.


You could identify the root causes and close equity gaps within your operations. 

You could learn to incorporate racial equity into every aspect of your operations.

And you would identify how to use your strategic plan, mission, and vision as tools to allow you to continue the work of building more equitable communities. 


In today's climate, being told that the language on your website could hinder your organization's access to critical resources can be a major setback. 


But with our expertise, you can confidently steer through the obstacles, and implement comprehensive DEI programs that truly align with your organization's mission and values.

Teamer Strategy Group is committed to eliminating inequities and establishing inclusive environments that align with your organization's policies and procedures. TSG has partnered with senior leadership at the state, system, organizational, and institutional levels to support communication and progress centered around DEI.


TSG is dedicated to eliminating inequities and establishing inclusive environments that seamlessly integrate with your policies and procedures. 

If you aren't sure how to talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion, but improving prosperity and outcomes, and leveling disparities is an important part of your strategic plan, TSG can help you navigate the changing landscape of equity work in the public sector.

TSG helps organizations build systems-based DEI strategies aimed at root causes of disparities to close equity gaps. We develop coalitions and communication strategies around equity to help you implement the DEI programs and activities identified in your strategy.


We give you a specific roadmap along with the training, coaching, and tools to carry the work forward.


​Discover how TSG can guide you to create a more inclusive future for your organization and the communities you serve.

“We turned to Dr. Barnes-Teamer during a time when we needed to be very genuine and intentional in our pursuit of both internally, and externally, addressing systemic inequities that perpetuate long-standing issues such as the racial wealth gap and others that have emerged as a result of COVID.  And, Dr. Teamer provided not only their expertise in navigating what can be very challenging conversations, they walked alongside us each and every step of the way.” 


Michael L. Williamson

President & Chief Executive Officer

United Way of Southeast Louisiana

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